Luton All Women’s Centre (LAWC)

A local charity for women, run by women, based in Luton.

Offering one to one support for domestic abuse (DA) and other forms of abuse and trauma; forced marriage, honour-based abuse and FGM support; counselling service; Own My Life DA programme and Our Lives (for South Asian women – delivered in Urdu and Bengali) DA groups; legal advice; exploitation support; awareness raising in education settings, and awareness raising/training for professional’s about LAWC, DA and Harmful Practices. Support can be offered in Urdu, Bengali and Polish.

Professionals can refer clients via a referral form on the website. Women aged 18+ can self-refer. Groups are only available to clients, apart from our Menopause Group which is open to all women. VAWG preventive work in schools and for young people, as part of our Safer Streets initiative.

Geographical area service covers

Based in Luton, but will support women from Bedfordshire

Who is the service for?

Women aged 18+ affected by domestic abuse, other trauma, mental health etc.

Referral routes into service (professionals, self)

Professionals can refer via a referral form. Women can self refer.

Risk level you support

Medium to low risk

Other relevant information