Reflect Text Messaging Service

Reflect is a free, confidential and 24/7 text support service for young people (aged 11-25) in Central Bedfordshire, Bedford Borough, Luton or Milton Keynes who needs advice or help. It is delivered by trained volunteers and clinicians who are available around the clock to listen and support anyone who is feeling anxious, lonely, overwhelmed or not quite themselves. It is part of the wider network of Shout services across the UK.
To access:
- Text the word reflect to 85258 (this can be upper/lower case – please do not use Whatsapp)
- Texters receive four automated messages, before being connected to a trained volunteer. Their aim is to connect young people in greatest need within thirty minutes (this could take longer at busy times)
- The volunteer will introduce themselves and ask the texter to share a bit more about how they are feeling. They will only need to share what they feel comfortable sharing – the volunteer will listen without judgement. Conversations tend to last up to one hour
- The service is free on all major UK networks, anonymous and does not show up on phone bills
The goal of a conversation through is to help texters reach a place of calm, with a plan of how to support themselves going forwards. As well as listening, volunteers may provide further resources or tools to help the texter access further expert support. The conversation will only end when the volunteer is sure the texter is calm and feeling better. It can assist with issues such as:
- Anxiety
- Bullying
- Depression
- Loneliness or isolation
- Money worries
- Relationship problems
- Self-harm
- Stress
- Suicidal thoughts or feelings
The service is universal and open to all and is accessible 24/7.
Geographical area service covers
Bedfordshire and Milton Keynes