Men Affected by Domestic Abuse
It is currently estimated that one in six to seven men will be the victim of domestic abuse in their lifetime, with the Crime Survey for England and Wales showing that 751,000 men experienced domestic abuse in the year ending March 2023.
Domestic abuse does not always mean physical violence and men can face all types of domestic abuse from a partner, ex-partner or other family members. Men may also face additional barriers to accessing support for domestic abuse and be concerned that they will not be believed or taken seriously. Some additional considerations male victims may face include:
- Being belittled or humiliated by their partner
- Threatened with never seeing his children again if he leaves
- Threatened with false accusations he is the perpetrator or be falsely accused of other crimes such as sexual violence
- Being restricted from socialising by their partner
Our Relationships Shouldn't Hurt podcast has an episode for Men Affected by Domestic Abuse and transcript.
Support and Information
Support and information is available to help male victims of domestic abuse. Please see our Get Help page for further services.
ManKind Initiative is a specialist charity who run a confidential helpline which is available Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm, on 0808 800 1170. Their website also gives a range of information and support options. They can also support friends and family who need information and advice on how to support a man experiencing domestic abuse.
Men’s Advice Line is another confidential helpline for men experiencing domestic abuse and those supporting them. Available Monday to Friday, 10am to 5pm, on 0808 801 0327.