Clare's Law

What is Clare's Law?

Known formally as the Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme, Clare's Law came into being in 2014, following the murder of Clare Wood who was murdered by her ex-boyfriend in 2009. He had a history of violence against women.

The aim of Clare's Law is to give you a formal mechanism to make enquiries about your partner if you are worried that they may have been abusive in the past.

If police checks show that your partner has a record of abusive behaviour, or there is other information to indicate that you may be at risk, the police will consider sharing this information with you.

The scheme aims to help you make a more informed decision on whether to continue a relationship, and provides further help and support to assist you when making that choice.

A Clare's Law application can be made by concerned family/friends/professionals who are worried about a new/existing partner. Any information that is relevant to the safety of the potential victim will be passed on to them directly.

How do I make an application?

You can make an application by contacting the police. There are many different ways you can contact the police. You can:

  • Visit a police station
  • Make an online application by visiting the Bedfordshire police page
  • Phone 101, the non-emergency number for the police
  • Speak to a member of the police on the street

When you contact the police, a police officer or a member of police staff will take details from you of what prompted your enquiry and the nature of your relationship with the potential victim and their partner.

They will also ask you when and where it is safe to make contact with you again. You will also need to give your name, address and date of birth. At a later stage, you will need to provide proof of your identity. The police will run some initial checks based on the information you have provided and conduct an initial risk assessment. The purpose of these initial checks is for the police to establish if there are any immediate concerns.

Download the Clare's Law leaflet