Forced Marriage

A Forced Marriage is when either one or both of the partners have not consented to the marriage but have been coerced into it. The partners could have been victims of physical abuse with threats of further harm, and or physical or sexual violence if they do not marry; there could be psychological, financial, sexual or emotional abuse used to force someone to marry against their will. Often there is pressure placed on the young person who might be made to feel that they are bringing shame on their family if they do not marry.

If the adult is vulnerable or lacks the mental capacity to consent to the marriage, coercion is not required for the marriage to be considered forced.

Sometimes young people are removed from education and sent abroad where the marriage takes place. It is an offence for a UK national to be forced into a marriage outside the UK. Passports and other documents are removed from them to stop them returning to the UK.

A Forced Marriage is not the same as an Arranged Marriage; where both parties can choose if they want to marry. Forced Marriage is a criminal offence and has been since June 2016. The penalty for forcing someone to marry can be a 7-year custodial sentence.

Support for those affected by Forced Marriage

Forced Marriage Protection Orders (FMPO)

FMPOs can be obtained to protect the person who has been or is being forced into marriage. The orders are individualised according to the circumstances of the victim. The order can demand that:

  • Passports and relevant travel documents are handed over
  • Intimidation and violence stops
  • The whereabouts of a person have to be revealed (if they are being held somewhere)
  • Prevent someone being taken abroad against their will.

A FMPO can be applied for by:

  • Anyone at risk of forced marriage or who has been forced into marriage
  • A ‘relevant’ third party i.e. a Local Authority
  • Any other person who is given permission by the court.

The government have produced information on FMPOs and how to apply for them. The penalty for breaching a FMPO can result in up to a 5-year prison sentence. Contact the Forced Marriage Unit on 020 7008 0151 or via Further information can be found on the website. The government have also produced What is Forced Marriage? leaflets.