ACCM (UK) Bedford

ACCM (UK) support victims of DV/sexual abuse and provide emotional support.

ACCM (UK) works in Bedfordshire and surrounding areas to promote action to bring about positive social change to enhance the wellbeing and to protect the dignity of girls and women. ACCM (UK) is committed to eliminating of all harmful traditional and discriminatory practices that violate Human Rights of girls and women (boys and men), such as female genital mutilation and forced arranged marriage and honour-based violence, domestic violence, sexual abuse, we provide emotional support, legal advice and much more to rebuild the victims life.

ACCM (UK) established in 2008, is a Charity and an international non-governmental organisation (NGO), evolved from a major local charity, Agency for Culture and Change Management – (ACCM Sheffield), whose primary role was to lobby for and communicate the effects of legislation concerning Female Genital Mutilation and other harmful traditional practices in the UK.



Mobile number: 07767164804

Geographical area service covers

Bedfordshire and offering UK wide on illegal harmful traditional practices

Who is the service for?

Women and girls

Referral routes into service (professionals, self)

Self referral

Risk level you support

Other relevant information