Financial Support Line for Victims of Domestic Abuse

The Financial Support Line for Victims of Domestic Abuse is run in partnership between Surviving Economic Abuse (SEA) and Money Advice Plus (MAP).
The aim of the Financial Support Line is to empower people who have experienced or are experiencing abuse to regain control of their finances. Advisors on the Line will always take your safety and well-being into account when giving advice. The advisors can discuss welfare benefit issues, give you strategies for dealing with debt, support you in developing a budget, talk you through how to safely open a new bank account or work through problems you’re experiencing with banking and in some cases, signpost or refer you to apply for small grants if you are experiencing severe financial hardship.
The Support Line offers one off/short term advice for victims/survivors for support with debts and benefits. It is accessible between 9am – 5pm, Monday to Thursday.
Geographical area service covers
Who is the service for?
Referral routes into service (professionals, self)
Self referral or via a professional