Men’s Advice Line

Men’s Advice Line is a confidential helpline for men experiencing domestic abuse and those supporting them. The abuse could be from a partner or ex-partner (or from other family members). Support is also available for gay or bi-sexual men experiencing abuse.

It is aimed at men who are experiencing domestic abuse, but they also take calls from family members, friends or practitioners and frontline workers. They can provide emotional support, practical advice and signposting to other services for specialist help.

Men’s Advice Line is available 9am-8pm, Monday to Friday. Email support is 9am-8pm Monday to Friday and 10am-12pm & 4pm-6pm Saturday and Sunday. They also offer a webchat on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 10am-11am and 3pm-4pm.

Geographical area service covers


Who is the service for?

Male Victims of Domestic Abuse

Referral routes into service (professionals, self)

Self referral

Risk level you support

Other relevant information