NHS East of England Gambling Service

The East of England Gambling Service is free and run by the NHS. Whether you are affected by your own gambling or someone else’s, you are welcome to talk to them. They offer support to individuals and families experiencing the negative impact of gambling. The team is made up of lived experience peer support workers, psychologists, therapists, nurses and psychiatrists.
They offer:
- An assessment to understand how they can help you
- Specialist Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
- Tools and techniques to help you stop gambling
- Couple and family therapy
- Individual support for family members
- Psychiatric reviews
- Support from people who have gone through/are going through it too
You can be seen individually or as a family/support network either online or face to face. In some cases, they will work alongside other services involved in your care to ensure the most appropriate help and support is provided.
Geographical area service covers
East of England including Bedford, Central Bedfordshire and Luton
Who is the service for?
Adults aged 18+
Referral routes into service (professionals, self)
Self-referral via the website