The Traveller Movement

The Traveller Movement (TMM) promotes the inclusion of Gypsies, Roma and Travellers (GRT) through community engagement, advocating their human rights and leading on powerful research to shape policy.
TMM provide a bespoke domestic abuse training package ‘Never Going to Beat You’ for professionals working with GRT families. Their domestic and sexual abuse work focuses on women and girls and is in partnership with Solace Women’s Aid, a large specialist advice and refuge charity for women and girls across London, who have a dedicated Irish/Irish Traveller caseworker. The project is delivered by Irish Traveller women with lived experience of domestic abuse, ensuring a deep level of understanding and sensitivity of the complexities of such relationships, and the difficulties and barriers to accessing support and advice.
In 2020 they launched a specialist domestic abuse helpline that is available for all GRT women looking for help in the UK. Their women’s workers can make direct referrals for assessment and support across the country (number listed on this page is the domestic abuse helpline).
Geographical area service covers
Who is the service for?
Gypsies, Roma and Travellers
Referral routes into service (professionals, self)
Self referral