Victim Support – Independent Domestic Violence Advisory Service Bedfordshire

Victim Support is an independent charity dedicated to supporting victims of crime and traumatic incidents in England and Wales.

The Bedfordshire Independent Domestic Violence Advisory (IDVA) Service is a SafeLives Leading Lights accredited service, reflecting good and safe practice. They offer advice, advocacy and support to high risk victims of domestic abuse.

They support any victims over the age of 16 years old that are at risk of significant harm, regardless of their sexuality, gender, disability, culture or background. They have IDVA’s based in Luton, Bedford and at Bedford Hospital and offer a free, independent and confidential service.

Support can be provided for the following:

  • Listen to your concerns and assess current risks to ensure that you receive the most appropriate support.
  • Develop a safety and support plan based on your individual circumstances, explore your options and give you choices.
  • Provide advice and information about the range, effectiveness and suitability of options to improve your safety and that of your children.
  • Explore the option of having a survey to look at how secure your home is and look at security & target hardening.
  • Discuss housing options available to you including homelessness and refuge and inform you of your rights in relation to housing.
  • Support you with criminal matters; explaining the criminal justice process and the effectiveness of criminal and civil remedies and organising a pre-trial visit or support for you at court.
  • Support you in obtaining civil remedies such as non-molestation orders.
  • Liaise with agencies such as Housing, the Crown Prosecution Service, Police, Solicitors, Social Care and other relevant organisations or advocate on your behalf, enabling your voice to be heard.
  • Signposting you to agencies in regards to financial issues that have resulted from the domestic abuse.
  • Advocating for you at the MARAC (multi-agency risk assessment conference) where agencies work collectively to try and reduce your risk and aim to keep you and your children safer.
  • Support you to access other specialist agencies/support networks such as counselling and the Freedom Programme.

For professionals wishing to refer to this service, their core service hours are 8am – 5pm, Monday to Friday. For support for lower risk levels, please see Victim Support Domestic Abuse Outreach Service.


How do I contact the IDVA Service?


  • 01582 488777, 8am – 5pm Monday to Friday


  • 01234 763785, 8am – 5pm Monday to Friday

Or you can contact as below

  • National Victim Support 24 hr Supportline:
  • 0808 1689 111

Geographical area service covers

Bedfordshire, including Luton

Who is the service for?

We support any victims over the age of 16 years old that are at risk of significant harm, regardless of their sexuality, gender, disability, culture or background.

Referral routes into service (professionals, self)

Self referral or via a professional

Risk level you support

High Risk

Other relevant information