Domestic Abuse & Housing

If you need to leave your home because it is not safe or if you want to get support to remain in your home there is help available to you.

Organisations that can support you include:

You can also contact the local authorities on:

  • Bedford Borough Council Housing Team: 01234 718058 (Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri 9am – 5pm, Wed 10am-5pm) or 01234 267422 (out of hours)
  • Central Bedfordshire Council Homeless Intervention Team: complete the form at or in an emergency contact 0300 300 4370 (office hours) or 0300 300 8098 (out of hours)
  • Luton Borough Council Housing Solutions Team: 01582 510371


Our Relationships Shouldn't Hurt podcast has an episode on Domestic Abuse and Housing Support or transcript.

Women's Aid have a FAQ section on refuge accommodation, how to access it and what to expect.

See our Protection Orders page for more information on legal orders that can be obtained to keep you safe in your home, or listen to our podcast episode on Domestic Abuse Protection Orders or transcript.

Resources for Private Landlords

Domestic abuse is just as prevalent in privately rented accommodation as in any other housing tenure. Private landlords can improve the lives of tenants by increasing their awareness of the signs of domestic abuse.

Private landlords can access the following information: