Across Bedfordshire, each local authority holds Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conferences (MARAC) for high risk victims of domestic abuse.

The MARAC is a multi-agency meeting where professionals share information and agree a safety plan to reduce the risk to the survivor and any children. Whilst the victim does not attend the meeting, their views are represented by an Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) to ensure that the safety plan suits their individual needs and circumstances. The primary focus of the MARAC is to safeguard the adult victim.

At the heart of a MARAC is the working assumption that no single agency or individual can see the complete picture of the life of a victim, but all may have insights that are crucial to their safety.

Information sharing at the MARACs takes place within the confines of a strict Information Sharing Protocol and under the bounds of a confidentiality agreement.

For further MARAC support or advice, please contact:

Central Bedfordshire

Bedford Borough
